Welcome to all the new members
Here, we have simple, but inflexible rules.
In game
1- Never, at any reason, make an offensive action (through attacking, spying or messaging) against another member, without the approval of the leaders.
2- We do not advise or encourage the use of scripts, programs, or systems which automate any part of the game. If you do it, it is your risk, but if this use involves the name of Frozen Legion, you willl get banned.
3- Don't double post. If you have something more to say, but others havent replied to your post yet, use the 'edit' button.
In forum
1- Donīt spam in the topics. Here, we have a specific forum to do that, the Fun Zone.
2- Donīt made an illegal use of stars.
In any violation of these rules results in the punishment of the member.If you have any doubt, ask before doing anything.